Hi all,
I have a column chart.I have months on my x axis.Since there are 12 months i need to display ,is there a way to format the title to display vertically.
if its horizontal the formatting does'nt look neat.The months show up as :
January March May July
february April June
I want them to show up vertically one after the other.
Select the ordinal axis (X-axis) and set the property General -> Label Control to "Automatic".
If you want vertically only then set "Allow 45o rotation" to false.
Hope this works.
Thank you paddhu.It worked.
Also,I have three measures in my series.While displaying the measures as a legend is there a way to hide
one of the measures?I want to display only 1,2 measures.
I dont know any direct way. Maybe you could remove the legend and add custom text boxes/images to show the legends you want.
I chnaged the label control to automatic and set roatate 45 degrees to no.I still dont see x axis label being vertical.