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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => COGNOS 8 Administration => Topic started by: vegeroot on 25 Jan 2010 03:03:40 PM

Title: How to configure a 32-bit Metric Server along with a 64-bit Cognos 8.4 BI server
Post by: vegeroot on 25 Jan 2010 03:03:40 PM
Have been struggling with Cognos 8 Metric Server for a while and need your guru's help.

New to Cognos, I have installed a Cognos 8.4.1 - 64 bit server on a Windows 2008 64-bit machine. The Cognos Connection and Sample reports are working fine, except Metric Studio.

I understand the 32-bit Metric Server has to been installed on a separate folder, but I need some help on the following:

- what components to be installed on this new separate folder out of the following:
          Application Tier Components, Gateway, Content Manager, Cognos Content Database

    Does the 'Content Manager' in this case means the 'Metric Manager'? In other words, it should be connected to a separate database (metric store).

- can anyone share the steps on the Metric Server configuration?

Thanks in advance.

Title: Re: How to configure a 32-bit Metric Server along with a 64-bit Cognos 8.4 BI server
Post by: MFGF on 26 Jan 2010 03:07:38 AM

I've not done (or even looked at) this, but my thoughts are:

You already have a working gateway and content manager in your current C8 installation, and therefore it follows that you must already have a working content database (Content Store - either the Cognos one shipped with C8 [Apache Derby], or Oracle/SQL Server/Sybase/DB2).  The Content Store and the Metric Store databases are different things.  Putting the Metric server software into a separate install folder will be the logical equivalent of setting up a second Application Tier server and adding into the architecture.

Try the install using just the Application Tier components - I reckon this is all you will need.


Title: Re: How to configure a 32-bit Metric Server along with a 64-bit Cognos 8.4 BI server
Post by: vegeroot on 02 Feb 2010 05:38:21 PM
Yes, I have a working gateway and content manager.

I have installed the Metric Server on a separate folder, be able to bring up the Window's service (for the Metric Server with a different port). I have also assigned a separate gateway URI for the Metric Server.

Still I have some issues when trying to create a new Metric package.

Any idea? Can someone share the steps on how to configure the Metric Server?


Title: Re: How to configure a 32-bit Metric Server along with a 64-bit Cognos 8.4 BI server
Post by: jayaperi on 08 Feb 2010 01:13:50 PM
Were you able to configure? I have the same issue, 2 servers gateway and application. Application has the 64 bit BI server installed. gateway has the 32 bit gateway
Jaya Devulapalli
Title: Re: How to configure a 32-bit Metric Server along with a 64-bit Cognos 8.4 BI server
Post by: Erik on 16 Feb 2010 04:43:51 AM
You will find the answer if you go to the IBM support portal at and enter for your search string 32-bit 64-bit metric
Title: Re: How to configure a 32-bit Metric Server along with a 64-bit Cognos 8.4 BI server
Post by: pargol4 on 09 Jun 2010 01:59:42 PM
According to the IBM Cognos installation guide, under the Installation and Configuration Issues section, mixing 32-bit and 64-bit Components is not supported.

"When installing the three main installation components (Content Manager, Application Tier Components, and Gateway) from any IBM Cognos BI server product, ensure that they are all the 32-bit version or they are all the 64-bit version. Mixing the two versions is not supported.

The only scenario where the two versions can be mixed is the scenario where IBM Cognos Metrics Manager and IBM Cognos 8 BI Server share resources."

Also, the install guide says that you MUST install the Metric Server Components in the same location as the BI components.

"If you are installing IBM Cognos 8 Metrics Manager with IBM Cognos 8 Business Intelligence, you must install each IBM Cognos 8 Metrics Manager component into the same location as each IBM Cognos 8 Business Intelligence component."

Title: Re: How to configure a 32-bit Metric Server along with a 64-bit Cognos 8.4 BI server
Post by: Dave Pugh on 29 Jun 2010 02:53:21 PM
I am having the same issue.  Metrics install will not allow installing in the 64 bit directory.  The 64 bit configuration does not include Metrics, but it is in the 32 bit one (not used).  I would appreciate any suggestions.

Thanks Dave
Title: Re: How to configure a 32-bit Metric Server along with a 64-bit Cognos 8.4 BI server
Post by: smiley on 29 Jun 2010 04:49:19 PM
The 64 bits C8 version is only a 64 bits tomcat stack.
The rest is still 32 bits.
Save yourself the trouble, and install the 32 bits BI on your 64 bits server.
All you loose is a bit of extra memory of the java.exe running in a wow64.

Or use Erik's search suggestion, and end up at
Title: Re: How to configure a 32-bit Metric Server along with a 64-bit Cognos 8.4 BI server
Post by: CogOz on 10 Aug 2010 07:35:18 AM
Hi Dave - Metrics Manager is a 32bit application so you are unable to install it into the c8_64 path as this is for 64 bit components.

Have you look at this section of the install guide?

Title: Re: How to configure a 32-bit Metric Server along with a 64-bit Cognos 8.4 BI server
Post by: mermedia on 11 Aug 2010 03:23:01 PM
I got 32 bit MS to work on 64 BI W2003 R2 server but now it's not showing anymore in Congns connection (so that's my current issue). I'll try to post my configs a little later tonight. Basically I went with the instructions in Smiley's suggested link along with a few other changes since I'm also installing planning.
Title: Re: How to configure a 32-bit Metric Server along with a 64-bit Cognos 8.4 BI server
Post by: mermedia on 11 Aug 2010 04:18:15 PM
Ok, my MS is now fixed and showing in Cognos connection. The Notification Store under Notification in 32bit config has to point to the Content Store.

(I also have my PlanningStore under IBM Cognos Planning on 32 bit Config pointing to the content store)