Hi all,
I have a stacked chart with student count and total prof count stacked over it.
this is for location 1 ,2, ,3 ,4.is there a way to show different colors for each
location.I tried to used conditional formatting with a string variable which selects value as location = '1' ...etc.When i apply background color it changes the chart
background and not for the location.
You're on the right track. Set up a string variable as above, then use this in the "Conditional Pallette" option of the chart to set different colours for each location.
Thank u mfgf it worked.is there a way to color code the location based on the measures i'm using(student count and prof count).i.e different colors for location for student count and grey color for all locations for total prof count.
If you just set the first colour in the "pallette" property to grey, does this give you what you need?
Changing the pallete color does not work.Since i already assigned a string variable for location, it has
same color for student count and prof count.I want the series colors to be different too for location.For locations 1,2,3,4 student count has different colors(which i set and it works).but for prof count which is stacked over the student count i dont want the same color because its hard to differentiate .
Whne i apply conditional formatting for a bar chart the category labels are overlapping .Also,
to get different colors for student count and prof count stacked one over the other,do i need to create
another string variable with colors for student count and prof count?
That won't work. You can provide a different color for each series, or a different color for each category, not both together. The max you can now do is provide thick borders to your series, so that Prof_Count on top of Stud_Count is prominent.