1.what is the diff between a Cognos 8 webserver and Cognos 8 application server?
2.which webserver and which appliaction server are used in Cognos 8?
A web server is an application designed to receive incoming browser requests and route them to the intended application (ie Cognos 8 in your case). For the definition of a web server, take a look online - pages such as this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_server). Cognos 8 can be used with various web servers, including Microsoft IIS, Apache, IBM HTTP Server etc, buth other compliant web servers can also be used.
The Cognos 8 application server is the Cognos 8 software which receives requests via a web server and processes them - eg, run a report, create a schedule, display a report output etc. So essentially, Cognos 8 IS the application server.
For an overview, read the IBM Cognos 8 Installation and Configuration Guide - chapter 2 - Components used by IBM Cognos 8.