i need counts which are derived from different rules.They are put in separate queries.But in my chart how do i combine the counts?I want to show one count as
the percentage of the other.
You will need to join the two queries on their related fields to form a third query and then base the chart off the newly created query.
Thanks cschnu!
When i join the queries the resulting query is not fetching the right results.I'm getting same values for
the two calculations.(dataitems).
student class count |total students
12 | 12
which is supposed to be 12 and 60.
query 1 -date ,student rank ,year enrolled,student class count
query 2- date,average student rank,year,total student count.
How are you defining the join between the queries?
Inner join on date
Try using cardinality 1..1 -> 1..1