I have posted couple of issues related with dates.I am looking to way out for this calculation--
I have calculated timestamp diff and come up this kind o results
123 days 28 hrs 45min 10sec
now I trying to change this into decimal, ex 123.17 days
Please need advice/suggestion/solution kindly appreciated.
thank you in advance
From an earlier post I suggested a solution that would give you the difference as an integer value. If that approach works then it would be just a matter of performing a division by a fixed constant to get that number of days like 123.17
_round((extract(day;current_timestamp - _make_timestamp (2010;01;18))*24*3600+
extract(hour;current_timestamp - _make_timestamp (2010;01;18))*3600+
extract(minute;current_timestamp - _make_timestamp (2010;01;18))*60+
extract(minute;current_timestamp - _make_timestamp (2010;01;18)))/86400;4)
In this example current time is compared with a generated timestamp (earliest second on 2010-01-18)
According to my output this generates the exact difference in days