Hi All,
Did anyone come accross the same: You cannot summarise and group values based on member property (attributes).
As this is a key functionality under dimensional reporting I was wondering how this got resolved at other places.
Time dimension has month members (Jan-09, Feb-09, ... Jan-10, Feb-10), and has the month name
(e.g January /February / March) as attributes.
If you wanted a report to compare the seasonality through various years you would need to group your
month data regardles of the year. As of now you cannot do it easily under Report Studio as the option
"Insert property and group it" is greyed out.
Are you aware any solution which would resolves this? :-*
I don't know of a way to do this, unless you go back to your cube/DMR source and add an alternate hierarchy to the dimension which uses the Month Name as the ID of the level.
Probably not what you wanted to hear!
Thank you MFGF, I will have a try at alternative hiearchies.
Anyone any other ideas please let me know :)
You could try a couple of things, but I believe adding a separate hierarchy would be the best.
First, instead of dragging the attribute into the crosstab, place the attribute into a data item, and drag that into the CT.
Second, you could try the following: substring(caption([Cube].[Dimension].[Hierarchy].[Level],1,3) only return the first 3 characters, but should group the members together correctly. If this works you'll also need to find a way to get the month number to make sure it's sorted correctly.
Thank you Paul for the answer.
I had a go at creating alternative hierarchies, but as I am using only TM1, I was only able to create alternative consolidated elements rather then Hierarchies, I was not able to include these on the two
edges on the CT.
I will have a go at the other suggestions and will let know how it went!