Does anyone know of a way to have the filters on the same page as the report reset or 'clear' after the user chooses the data? Basically a 'Back' action or 'Reprompt' but that works on drill thru reports?
Issue is once user drills down on a x-tab, a window opens with a bunch of filters and user clicks Finish to generate. If you hit a 'Back' button, nothing happens. The only is to split the prompts and filters on a prompt page and then the report output on the second page. The customer's wish is to have everything happen on the same page. I haven't tried coding anything yet, I want to see if there is a simpler solution before I have to rework all the reports and drill thrus.
Yes, they can rerun the report if you are viewing it in HTML or PDF. The run button will be in the upper right hand corner of the page. This will allow them to reselect the prompt values.
When I click Run, nothing happens. I am using 8.4.1. It stays on the same page and keeps the filters selected with the same report showing.
Are these prompts generated using the wizard? On our reports we manually design the prompt page and use value prompts. It might be that the prompt page generated by the wizard behaves differently.
try in line prompts , if u want to refresh the prompt after hitting 'Finish' , then u need to go with javascript for this...try to search for this javascript in our forum
No they are manually designed as well, but not on a prompt page. They are the same page as report. For instance you see a crosstab with drill thru on Regions, click a specific Region such as NA, a report renders in a new window with filters and a Finish button and the output on same page. You can view those results real time and then decide you want to choose a different filter and hit Finish again...well currently only way in 8.4.1 without js code, is to deselect all choices in value prompts and then generate.