Hi All,
I need to import an excelsheet into the D-cube. I am importing this excelsheet with the help of
ODBC source.While importing , i am not able to select more than 1 sheet in the excelsheet, then how can i map the particular year or particular market for the given rows and columns in a D-Cube.
Please suggest me. Thank You!!!
I am assuming you wish to import into the D-Cube in Analyst.
Two thoughts,
1, Can you consolidate your Excel data into one sheet?
2, Have you looked at File Maps as an alternative to ODBC links.
In ODBC links, or file maps you will only be able to link one sheet at a time, so I suggest you look at consoldating all sheets into one if that is possible.
I strongly recommend that you make use of a dump file in the D-Link when you create it. This will check that all data is being imported.
Hope this helps.
If the sheets are in same structure, write an "UNION" select.
Hi ,
I am trying to create a filemap as source, but when i am trying to create it from the excelsheet, it is not taking correct format. i tried with all the options in the wizard. Please suggest.
With a file map there are two parts.
1, Select the correct source file format, txt (tab delimited), csv. For your source I would recommend you open your excel file and save as a txt, tab delimited file. Your file map may not recognise the file otherwise.
2, Identify your columns, Remember to set some as Data.