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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Framework Manager => Topic started by: Makulit on 14 Jan 2010 07:17:51 PM

Title: Need help with RQP-DEF-0177
Post by: Makulit on 14 Jan 2010 07:17:51 PM
Hi. I'm a newbie on Framework Manager.  I'm setting up a new Data Source and was successful at doing so.  However, when I try to add a Query Subject, select on the Data Source and select the Table, I get this message:

RQP-DEF-0177 An error occurred while performing operation 'sqlOpen' status='-9'.
UDA-SQL-0107 A general exception has occurred during the operation "AOpen".
[IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/AIX64] SQL0443N Routine "SYSIBM.SQLTABLES" (specific name "TABLES") has returned an error SQLSTATE with diagnostic text "SYSIBM:CLI:-805". SQLSTATE=38553

Can someone help me?  Thank you in advance.
Title: Re: Need help with RQP-DEF-0177
Post by: niravdesai on 14 Jan 2010 11:46:53 PM
Hi Makulit

It seems to be a DB2 problem, where in a package is not been binded with the database.
Basically the problem is about: DB2 is not able to find the catalog information of the table from which you creating Query subject, for which the package is to be binded...

Contact your DBA or you refer to the following link :
Title: Re: Need help with RQP-DEF-0177
Post by: Makulit on 15 Jan 2010 11:39:44 AM
Thanks, niravdesai.

I saw that link when researching the error.  However, when I used other BI tools and DB2 Developer, I'm able to connect to the Data Source and retrieve the tables.  Is this Cognos Framework specific that it requires the package to be binded on the database?  I hope I'm asking a clear question.  Thanks
Title: Re: Need help with RQP-DEF-0177
Post by: niravdesai on 21 Jan 2010 02:34:49 AM

Can you please confirm whether you catloged the database in your DB2 client on which you hav installed FM
Title: Re: Need help with RQP-DEF-0177
Post by: Makulit on 21 Jan 2010 01:02:20 PM
The catalog is correct on my workstation...where FM is installed.  I tried to do the db2cli.lst and db2ubind.lst but I don't have authority so I've requested for our IBM DB2 DBA to run the .lst on against the databases.  I hope that works.
Title: Re: Need help with RQP-DEF-0177
Post by: Makulit on 22 Jan 2010 04:50:41 PM
No luck with the binds.  I had our IBM support run the bind against the database and I still get the same error message.