Can't we include dimensions(geography, time....) in promptmany macro functions. For example:
set(#promptmany('Param_measure','token','[Dimension view].[Sales].[Revenue]')#)
For Measures it working fine.When I try the same functions for dimensions it is throwing an error - Invalid coercion from 'level' to 'member'
The third parameter of the promptmany function is defaultText (the value which is used if the prompt is not fulfilled). This would need to be a measure or a specific member - not a level of a dimension (which if I'm not mistaken you used when trying this).
I'm assuming the example you included works OK, as Revenue is a measure?
The set function will only take members. If the prompt returns a level Cognos will try to resolve
This will often happen if you're using a level as the default in a promptmany macro. The selected members will function correctly, but if the user selects nothing that error will be thrown. Instead you'll need to tell Cognos not to wrap the default value in a set(). The best way to do this would be the following:
This will return the level if nothing is selected, or set({members})
Hello, I am trying to do a prompt many using the rootmember at the level of the dimension
Source is OLAP Cube version 10.2.2 cognos
rootMembers ([cube].[dimension].[Hierarchy].[Level])
I in turn use this in a promptmany
#promptmany ('paramname','memberuniquename','[rootmembersname]','set(','[cube].[dimension].[Hierarchy].[level]',')')#
my goal is to place the promptmany in as a slicer do I need rootmembers or can I just go to the level in the dimension to make this a multiselect prompt
it validates but once i place the promptmany in as a slicer i get such a vague error
RSV-VAL-0010 Failed to load the report specification. XQE-PLN-0001 Internal error. The query could not be planned by the Query Service: Index: 0, Size: 0
Thanks for your help