How to send scheduled report through Email.
Hello Laxmi,
In the report scheduling page, you will have an advance option drop down, where you will be able to mention the email id to which you would like to send the report.
You also have the option of either sending the report output as an attachment ( careful, while dealing with sensitive data. Might lead to audit issues ) or as a link.
If you are bursting, you have a direct option of bursting the report to email addresses.
I have sent the report using that option but it is going to waiting..
Can you please elaborate on what you mean - when you said, it goes to waiting.
Do you mean to say, you are not getting the email in your inbox or the report fails to run at the specified time?
yes, I am not getting the report output through email. After I scheduled I went to see the schedules through cognos connection->myactivities and schedules there I noticed that it went to waiting under current activivities.
but report did not fail to run it ran fine and I can see the report outpout in cognos connection where I scheduled.
Is your email server defined correctly in Cognos Configuration?
If this is OK, you may have come across a known bug in earlier builds of 8.4. It's fixed in 8.4.1 though.
I am not sure my email server defined correctly or not and not sure how to set it up.
where can I see in cognos configuration for email server? can you provide me the steps to set up the server..
Thanks in advance..
It's described in detail in the Administration and Configuration Guide, Chapter 6 - look for the section entitled "Specify a Connection to a Mail Server Account".
thank you very much MF.
Hi Mf,
Please can you provide me the link for the Administration and Configuration Guide.
Alternatively, on the machine running Cognos 8, go to Start -> Programs -> IBM Cognos 8 -> Documentation -> IBM Cognos 8 Business Intelligence and select the Administration and Configuration Guide from the docs page. You should also be able to find it manually on the filesystem of the Cognos 8 server in Program Files\cognos\c8\webcontent\documentation\en\inst_cr_winux.pdf
thank you so much for the information.