I am trying to add a detail filter that will only display certain items from a subject line, this is my filter
[subject] contains '/b', '/SL'
when I try and use both I get errors when validating, if I just use one there is no problem.
Any thoughts on how to filter multiple values other that what is above?
[subject] contains '/b' or [subject] contains '/SL'
I am trying to get both not just one of them so I can see all items with /B & /SL in the subject line
Quote from: MFGF on 12 Jan 2010 08:29:10 AM
[subject] contains '/b' or [subject] contains '/SL'
Whoops I just re-read what you posted and now I get what you were saying... I just tried it and everything works perfect!!!
Glad it's sorted! :)