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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: giovanni.lucarelli on 12 Jan 2010 08:02:38 AM

Title: Printing multiple reports in one report
Post by: giovanni.lucarelli on 12 Jan 2010 08:02:38 AM
hello to everybody!

first of all, sorry for my english  :(

it's a lot of days I'm working to solve this problem... it's seems very easy....but...


for example, I have 3 reports (Cognos 8.2 - Report Studio); I would 1 report where I can select which report I want to print in pdf.
maybe using rendering variables....

can anybody help me?

thanks in advance
Title: Re: Printing multiple reports in one report
Post by: mgibson on 12 Jan 2010 11:15:16 PM
Perhaps the best way to do this is to create a prompt page that uses a radio button prompt that lists the names of each of the 3 reports.

You can then use this parameter combined with the Render Variable property to decide which List or Crosstab table to show.

It works well.

Title: Re: Printing multiple reports in one report
Post by: giovanni.lucarelli on 14 Jan 2010 10:54:11 AM
thanks very mick...

just this question:

in the single report that i'm going to desing (the report that cointains the 3 reports) must to have all the queries that define the 3 reports? is it right?

or there is a method to link the 3 reports to the new one?

thanks again
Title: Re: Printing multiple reports in one report
Post by: mgibson on 14 Jan 2010 03:52:07 PM
Essentially it's just one report that contain the 3 queries.  You can copy the cntent across from the current 3 separate reports to the new one.

Title: Re: Printing multiple reports in one report
Post by: giovanni.lucarelli on 15 Jan 2010 03:38:30 AM

I did what u told me... thanks very much... just another little problem...

I create a new report, 3 pages one for each (sub)report ( let me call them A, B, C) and a prompt page with a static choise check-box prompt:
with multiple-select

then I create a render variable defined as ParamDisplayValue(?par?) that assumes values A, B, C...

so if i select A I will see just Report A, i select B i will see just Report B, and so on...

but I don't know how to manage multiple selection or rather if I select A and B I wanna see Reports A and B....  ??? ???

thanks again
Title: Re: Printing multiple reports in one report
Post by: Sreeni P on 17 Jan 2010 10:36:18 AM
for your check box prompt , change the query like <object name> in (?Param_name?), and in properties Set "Multi-selct" to 'Yes'....hope it will solve ur problem
Title: Re: Printing multiple reports in one report
Post by: giovanni.lucarelli on 18 Jan 2010 11:26:42 AM
I solved the problem with one check-box for each page... who want to know more, write me.

ciao ciao