we have a simple prompt report with FROM date and TO prompt
But i am wondering how to do , FROM date is always greater than TO date prompt
ex--FROM date should not be older than TO Date...
thakx in advance,.....
>:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
Are you actually mad cause you have not received an answer within 23 minutes after posting? This is a peer -to peer Cognos forum. We are not paid helpdesk employees. Continue your obnoxious behavior and you will suffer the consequences = no replies at all.
What the *** is wrong with you?
What kind of prompt are you using? If you have a separate value prompt for From and To (for example), you could filter the query driving the To prompt so it only shows dates on or after the selected From date.
Just a thought...
PS - see - occasionally patience pays off :)