Hi Gurus,
I am working on Dev server connecting to Oracle database,I have 50 reports,One FM model and 5 package in it.
Now i have completed all the task in Dev server,now i am in need to move the whole content to Prod server and the database to need to point the prodcution database,Can i know what is the best way to make it.
One more thing is they will be getting some more reports in a month again we need to work on Dev server and it also need to move what i should do at this time can any one explain this process.
Thanks in advance,
there are several way to do this:
1.) If you want to deploy ALL THE WHOLE THING (All Packages, Reports, Drillthrough-Definitions, Options & Preferences...) then you can export the Dev-Content Store and import it to the Prod-Machine. You can do this at Database-Level (just copy the Dev-DB over your Prod-DB - ask your DBA) OR you use the Cognos Administration - Content Administration-Feature. Here you can define an export / import of the whole Content Store as well.
2.) If you want do deploy Packages and/or folders and their contents (reports and so on) - you also can do this over the Content Administration. You can't select single Reports/Elements, smallest selectable element arel folders/packages.
3.) If you just want to deploy a single Report, you can copy the Report Spec via Dev-Report Studio into the Clipboard, then paste it in your Prod-Report-Studio and you're done.
Does this fit to your needs? :)
Oh, one addition:
None of the described ways takes care of your FM Model. If you really want to deploy your FM Model as well (you don't need this really - you're normally done with the packages, reports and other elements), you have to find a own way - copying the files, use a version system...
Thanks a lot for your kind information.