I have developed a report which shows the following fields
Institution, Diagnosis, Aver Pat Age, Diabetes Diagnosis
if this report was run without any filters the summary totals would show
Insttitution A has 167 Cases , Average Age 75 and Diagnosis Total 225
But the filter that is required when applied will reduce the numbers from 167 to 38 cases and then that will reduce the diagnosis total to 44.
My questions is that i need to show the summary on the summary line is the following
Institution A has 38 cases out of a total of 167 as a percentage
how would i acheieve this any information would be greatly appreciated.
One way you could do it is to not put the filter in the main query area (which would apply it to ALL data), but rather put it inside a data item. So you'd have a data item like 'Filtered Diagnosis' and it would be something like:
if ([Type] = 'A')
then ([Diagnosis')
else (0)
At an aggregated view you'll see the normall Diagnosis data item will have 167 as a value and the new field will have 44.
Create a data item for each piece of "filtered" data you need. Then you can drop it all on a report however you need it to display - including the division results in their own data items, like [Filtered Diagnoses] / [Diagnosis].