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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: jd on 18 Dec 2009 08:50:46 AM

Title: Drill through form power play studio report to report studio report
Post by: jd on 18 Dec 2009 08:50:46 AM


I have to drill through from Power play studio cube to report studio report.

in the cube I have year/quarter/month time dimention.
in the report studio I created 4 prompts and passed prompts using drill through defination( source to target)
those parameters passed fine and showing correct data.

Here is the probelm in report studio I have Date received column with relational data, I need to map this parameter to cube time dimension.
I created the prompt like extract(year,[Date Received]) in the rport studio report and using drill through defination trying to pass it to source but whn I open the cube and click on the drill through when I selected my drill through report this date columni sprompting me to enter the year. Other parameters are passing properly.

any idea how to resolve the issue??
Title: Re: Drill through form power play studio report to report studio report
Post by: MFGF on 18 Dec 2009 09:24:27 AM

You're making this more complex than it needs to be.

It all comes down to how the filter is defined in your report.  It should be using the in_range operator on your date column (eg [Orders].[Orders Fact].[OrderDate] in_range ?mm? ).  You don't need to do any other manipulation such as extracting year etc.

Title: Re: Drill through form power play studio report to report studio report
Post by: jd on 18 Dec 2009 10:02:05 AM
Hi MF,

Thanks for quick replay, but I have one question, will it work when drill through form power play studio report to report studio report.
because in power play report it is migrated from series 7 to c8. in series 7 Data Receive column is the time dimension. in report studio Date receive is the relational.

currently my database is down once it is up Iwill test with in_range function and let you know whether it is working or not.

Thank you very much for your reply.
Title: Re: Drill through form power play studio report to report studio report
Post by: MFGF on 21 Dec 2009 03:59:30 AM
Yes it should work.

Title: Re: Drill through form power play studio report to report studio report
Post by: jd on 21 Dec 2009 08:58:25 AM
Hi MF,

as you mentioned I tried in_range function, it is working in report studio but when I passed that parameter for drill through to powerplay studio report again same issue it is not passing the date parameter, for ex: if I run the source report for 2007 year target report should show up the data for 2007 only bu there it is showing all 2006, 2007 and 2008 data

any idea how to resolve tis issue?
Title: Re: Drill through form power play studio report to report studio report
Post by: MFGF on 22 Dec 2009 04:07:22 AM

Your last post is very confusing.  You originally indicated you were drilling from PowerPlay Studio to a report created in Report Studio, and that's the basis I have been working on, but your last post seems to indicate you are trying to drill TO a PowerPlay Studio report??

If we assume the former (as before), all you need to do is:
1. Build your Report Studio report with a filter on your date column using the in_range operator.
2. Add a drill-through definition for your PowerPlay Cube Package in Cognos Connection to point to the saved Report Studio report.  When doing this, configure the Year level of the Time Dimension to be passed to the date parameter in the target report.
3. In the Admin Console (PowerPlay tab), enable IBM Cognos 8 Drill Through Definitions.

I just built a quick test of this locally, and it works fine and passes year values through to the target report.

Title: Re: Drill through form power play studio report to report studio report
Post by: jd on 22 Dec 2009 01:04:36 PM
Hi MF,

thanks you very much for your time.

I built the report studio report with in_range operator.
I added the drill through defination for the powerpaly cube package in cognos connection and pointed to the saved report studio report.

here is my question: In powerplay studio report when I click on drill through icon it is showing up all my drill through reports under available reports.
in view target paramets for the date display value is showing 2007 and use value is showing 007-01-0 to 00712-3. some how use  value format is not showing correctly it should be 20070101 to 20071231. Is there any way I can change the use value format??

can you help me on this issue.

Title: Re: Drill through form power play studio report to report studio report
Post by: MFGF on 23 Dec 2009 04:22:46 AM

The Use Value should be displaying the MUN of the 2007 member from your PowerCube.  I'd expect to see something like:


This value is read directly from the originating member in the cube.

Do you have access to the Transformer model that was used to build the cube?  If so, what do you see when you look at the properties of the 2007 category?

The other thing to check is which version of Cognos 8 you are using.  I think there were some known issues with passing dates from cube to relational in some builds of 8.4, but it definitely works properly in 8.4.1.

Title: Re: Drill through form power play studio report to report studio report
Post by: jd on 23 Dec 2009 08:09:36 AM
Hi MF,

as you mentioned I can see the Package-based Drill-through access use Value:
[MTIS Receipts Stored Datetest].[Date Received].[Date Received].[Year]->:[PC].[@MEMBER].[20070101-20071231]

but in parameter mapping use value is showing 007-01-0. I am not sure how to change this to 20070101.

please can you help me how to resolve this issue.
Title: Re: Drill through form power play studio report to report studio report
Post by: MFGF on 23 Dec 2009 08:12:15 AM
What version of Cognos 8 are you using?
Title: Re: Drill through form power play studio report to report studio report
Post by: jd on 23 Dec 2009 05:44:58 PM
cognos version 8.4
Title: Re: Drill through form power play studio report to report studio report
Post by: MFGF on 26 Dec 2009 04:51:59 AM
Which build:

8.4 FCS (First Customer Ship)?
8.4 GA (General Availability)?
8.4 FP1 (Fix Pack 1)?
8.4 FP2 (Fix Pack 2)?

If you're not on 8.4.1, I'd suggest you upgrade, and I'm quietly confident this will fix the issue.  As mentioned before, earlier builds of 8.4 had issues with passing dates from OLAP to relational, and I think this is the root of your problem (everything else you are doing seems to be correct).

Title: Re: Drill through form power play studio report to report studio report
Post by: cemakpinar on 12 Aug 2010 02:28:33 AM
Quote from: MFGF on 26 Dec 2009 04:51:59 AM
Which build:

8.4 FCS (First Customer Ship)?
8.4 GA (General Availability)?
8.4 FP1 (Fix Pack 1)?
8.4 FP2 (Fix Pack 2)?

If you're not on 8.4.1, I'd suggest you upgrade, and I'm quietly confident this will fix the issue.  As mentioned before, earlier builds of 8.4 had issues with passing dates from OLAP to relational, and I think this is the root of your problem (everything else you are doing seems to be correct).


Dear d.laxmi and MF

Is this problem solved? so yes, can you tel me how you solved this problem?
I have the same problem here. I installed fix pack 2 but i not helped.

Title: Re: Drill through form power play studio report to report studio report
Post by: MFGF on 26 Aug 2010 07:18:14 AM
Quote from: cemakpinar on 12 Aug 2010 02:28:33 AM

Dear d.laxmi and MF

Is this problem solved? so yes, can you tel me how you solved this problem?
I have the same problem here. I installed fix pack 2 but i not helped.


Install 8.4.1.  The problem was fixed in this release.