Hi Gurus
Any one suggest me is there any way to create report without having framework manager tool in a fresh environment.
Thanks in advance
I'm afraid that's not possible.
However, you can create a very simple package. Just drag all tables that you want to include in your report into FM and publish them as such. That should basically be the same as creating a report without a lot of modelling.
you cannot do without framework manager
You could do a direct SQL entry in Report Studio without having a framework package. The only problem would be you would have to have a package installed (such as GO sales or audit) in order to satisfy the select package when you originally open up report studio.
I wouldn't suggest doing this though. Theres a reason they want you to use framework manager.
Thanks twlarsen,
so i understand we can create the report with the help of Direct SQL,but you said atleast gosales package need to be there and we can use our own sql in report studio.
My concern is i want to know i wont even install FM in my environment and is it possible to create a report without any package?
Thanks in advance,
You can install Gosales packages and audit packages into a cognos environment without installing FM.
Why are you trying to accomplish by doing this? Why use Cognos if you're not going to use FM and packages? It's probably easier and more efficient to just do you direct SQL entry in another program.
Are you using Cognos Express by chance?
so i can give u a best way, from cognos installation location
u just copy the samples in to
cognos installation location folder deployment
and form cognos connection u just import those samples
u can get some sample packeges... u can use package to start report studo.. then u can write your own SQL ...
to enter in to report studio u need atleast any packge after entring u can work with your own SQL... go ahead...
But the question remains unanswered:
Why have an Enterprise reporting/analysis solution like Cognos 8, then bypass all the inbuilt technology by coding your own SQL queries in reports? It's rather like buying a Ferrari then pushing it everywhere rather than getting in and driving...
Quote from: MFGF on 04 Jan 2010 05:00:34 AM
But the question remains unanswered:
Why have an Enterprise reporting/analysis solution like Cognos 8, then bypass all the inbuilt technology by coding your own SQL queries in reports? It's rather like buying a Ferrari then pushing it everywhere rather than getting in and driving...
Sounds like a crazy half-arsed approach. Why would you even try this?
Id imagine that by the time you've finished mucking around trying to generate a report in this way you could have created a straight forward framework model that would provide you with everything you need. If you really just want to write SQL why not just pull the database in question into Framework, publish it and then do what ever it is that you want to do.
Sorry to be responding to a very old thread but I haven't found this topic elsewhere.
I wonder if the original poster is migrating to Cognos from another tool (lot of that going around these days, to and from) and has a number of reports that they want to keep without rewriting them.
I have not come across any reporting tool conversion utilities. So copying generated SQL out of a tool and trying to paste it into a SQL editor in another tool seems to be the only way to do this (If anyone has any other suggestions I'd love to hear them).
So say if someone has 100 reports (after doing a report inventory and weeding out redundant reports and ones that no one uses anymore), they might want to be able to simply put those out in sql form while people start making the transition to Cognos. Would allow operations to continue while someone works on the FM portion and then have a directive that any new reports or modifications to old reports will require FM and using Cognos to actually build the report.
Regarding the comment about just adding all the tables into 1 big FM package, wouldn't you still have to do all the joins to make them usable? It's been a while since I've used FM so I'm not sure about that approach.
Thanks again for being patience for dredging up an old thread.
If you can create a SQL statement out of the old reports you can use that in a new report. Then you at least have the data. The formatting etc is something you still need to do next.
current company use this 'technique' on about 90% of our reports. we all get a good workout everyday ;D
Quote from: MFGF on 04 Jan 2010 05:00:34 AM
But the question remains unanswered:
Why have an Enterprise reporting/analysis solution like Cognos 8, then bypass all the inbuilt technology by coding your own SQL queries in reports? It's rather like buying a Ferrari then pushing it everywhere rather than getting in and driving...