When you publish impromptu reports as IWR reports there seems to be 2 options of setting up the database connectivity. One specifying to use access manager authentication in the IWR report administration->publish reportsets.
2nd method is specify to use impromptu catalog database connection in IWR report administation->publish reportsets. I am going by 2nd method. But, I am getting the error..."GeTemplate iwr_modifyprompts.utml failed."...
Can you tell me why??? and a solution for this...
Thanks in advance...
Shyam Sundar...
Make sure that the database connection has been defined on the IWR server.
if you are mapping all user classes to "creator" for the report set, also check that the catalog has the database login and password embedded within it under the creator logon .. find this under Catalog -> USer Profiles -> Database Tab