when iam running report with multi prompt selections like ( i select in business group prompt ,one Business group( its parent) , then i wud select customer prompt(child) 2 cusomers)
data displaying in parent report , there is no data in child reports.
if select single parent and single child then data will display both parent and child report.
iam not able to understand behaviour of the report.
what is the reason?
thanks in advance
any one please
How are your filters defined? Is this from a dimensional or relational package? Are we talking two prompts in a single report, or two separate prompted reports, or something different?
r u using any in line prompts for ur report, any ways in child prompt set the multiselect property as 'yES'... hope this will helps u...
i resolved the issue
Thanks and regards
Quote from: anilkumar on 20 Dec 2009 11:15:39 PM
i resolved the issue
Thanks and regards
Would you mind sharing the exact problem and what you did to resolve it? It may help others looking on here in future if they encounter a similar challenge.
iam using cubes as source data, i created master detail report. parents and childrens are coming one by one like
parent-1 followed ny children
parent-2 followed by children.
here i used 5 prompts which are multiple(i used in parameter and tree prompts only) and page breakup
here my problem is parents data displaying where as there is no data in childrens.
i rosolved - by changing the parameter link from details to parameter
now link is between master query and parameter
in master i have taken customer and in parameter also i have taken ? customer?(parameter)
Thanks and Regards