Hello to all,
1- WE have this list report
2- It contains some columns and a last one name TOTAL
3- In the TOTAL column we actually display 3 lines (referring to different 3 measures)
4- If i (admin) and another collegue (not admin) run the report we get results for the 3 lines
5- If a sepcific user runs the same report he only sees the results in the first line ...
How bizarre is this ? Anyones knows if it has something to so with perhaps "security"
p.s We are using a Cognos Framework PACKAGE that comes from a SAP BW cube.
Thanks in advance!
Yes framework manager implements row level security through something called data security.
Also, are you connecting to the SAP BW with the same user? Security could be defined in the SAP BW cube as well.
Unfortunately for an admin or a non admin user this behaviour is happening.
It is something random. Sometimes for the same user the List cell is empty and seconds after with same parameters the list cell will show expected result.
I opened a PMR with IBM as to have additional information and probably perform a TRACE.
We are using FM packages which data comes from a BW cube.
Thanks anyhow to all !