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Planning & Consolidation => COGNOS Planning => Topic started by: andyhofer on 10 Dec 2009 09:57:42 AM

Title: D-Links between Applications (Macro)
Post by: andyhofer on 10 Dec 2009 09:57:42 AM
Now I now I'm new to this game but I think I'm losing the plot. ???

Is it possible to have D-Links between applications? I always thought that to transfer info between Applications you had to use Admin Links, but I have a macro that appears to use D-Links to transfer data.

DLinkExecute({D-Link UKFIN01-Year 2-Revenue.PlanningVersionYr2Rev<Yr2Costs})

Now the above shows that the App the macro is stored in is called UKFIN01-Year 2, and it transfers data from Yr2Costs to Yr2Rev. Yr2Costs is a different App to Yr3Rev so how can this work

When I go into Analyst and press Source or Target it doesn't show me the source or target cube is. For example, if the real source cube is "A", but when I press Source is comes up with "B" even though "B" has got that dimension in it.

So my questions are:
1. Can you D-Link between Apps
2. Has anyone else had this problem when pressing Source or Target in Analyst.

Thanks from a very confused bloke
Title: Re: D-Links between Applications (Macro)
Post by: StuartS on 15 Dec 2009 03:28:12 AM

The simple answer to your question 1 is Yes and No.  Sorry.  There seems to be two aspects of Cognos Planning to consider, Contributor Models, Analyst Libraries.

You CANNOT have D-Links between Contributor models. 
You CAN have D-Links between analyst libraries, or Contributor to Analyst Library, or Analyst Library to Contributor.

Are the D-Cubes in the link you are looking at assumption D-Cubes?  If they are then they may be transferring data betwen D-cubes that are then synchronised to get the data in to the contributor model.

Let me know if I have misunderstood, or if this helps.

