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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: actcognosuser on 09 Dec 2009 07:47:12 AM

Title: Excel output appears as Single file mht or mhtl while doing a save as?????
Post by: actcognosuser on 09 Dec 2009 07:47:12 AM
When I download a cognos excel report from the cognos portal to my local machine and then try to do a save as it shows"Save as type" as Single File Web Page(*.mht,*.mhtml).Is there a way that it can be defaulted to show excel workbook like it does for any excel sheet?
Title: Re: Excel output appears as Single file mht or mhtl while doing a save as?????
Post by: azrael on 10 Dec 2009 08:13:37 AM
I ask Cognos support the same question and got the following answer :

- The .XLS format is proprietary to Microsoft.
- .XLS files are prone to macro viruses and as such are blocked by many email servers.
- Using HTML/MHT files (supported Excel file types) permits users without Excel installed locally to view the files as well as those who have Excel available, thus potentially increasing a report's target audience.

Title: Re: Excel output appears as Single file mht or mhtl while doing a save as?????
Post by: actcognosuser on 10 Dec 2009 08:34:35 AM
Thanks Azrael.I tried a couple of options it did not work.Hope theres a fix in the next version.I'm using

I have another question on a csv output.i have two list reports one below the other .columns same but they correspond to different queries.
When i run the report in excel it works fine.But when i run it in csv it shows results one for the first list.
Title: Re: Excel output appears as Single file mht or mhtl while doing a save as?????
Post by: Nuffsaid on 10 Dec 2009 01:33:17 PM

Have your Admin set the following parameter on both you Report and Batch Report services;


This should solve your problem. As for the CSV thing, see my reply to your other post.
Title: Re: Excel output appears as Single file mht or mhtl while doing a save as?????
Post by: actcognosuser on 11 Dec 2009 08:37:22 AM
What is both?report and batch report service?I'm using 8.3 and set the property to true in the cognos admistration>system>settings>advanced>
Title: Re: Excel output appears as Single file mht or mhtl while doing a save as?????
Post by: Nuffsaid on 11 Dec 2009 10:31:45 AM
I use 8.3 also. See page 488 of the Admin & Security Guide.
Title: Re: Excel output appears as Single file mht or mhtl while doing a save as?????
Post by: actcognosuser on 09 Mar 2010 03:08:03 PM
Hi Nuff,
              I have set  RSVP.FILE.EXTENSION.XLS to TRUE for both batch and report service.

My file shows up as .xls file.But when you do a save as it appears .mht.What am i missing???
Title: Re: Excel output appears as Single file mht or mhtl while doing a save as?????
Post by: Nuffsaid on 10 Mar 2010 09:42:58 AM

I'm not sure what you're missing. Normally when I run a report in Excel I open it in Excel right away then save it. So, I just tested the Save option using 2007 and it saved as a Microsoft Office Excel Worksheet.

Not sure what else to tell you.....

Title: Re: Excel output appears as Single file mht or mhtl while doing a save as?????
Post by: actcognosuser on 10 Mar 2010 11:40:05 AM
Hey Nuff,
                    When you save as excel it does save as .xls.But if you just download the file from cognos portal .It will appear as a
.xls .But the actual format will be mht.I was trying to see if there was any other workaround to have it formatted as a true excel
instead of doing a save as.

Title: Re: Excel output appears as Single file mht or mhtl while doing a save as?????
Post by: Nuffsaid on 11 Mar 2010 10:26:15 AM
Hey again,

The only other thing that comes to mind is associate the .mht formats to Excel in WINDOWS Explorer on the client machine. May not change the format when saving though. (AFAIK this just tells Windows to open .mht files with Excel) I haven't done this but it's probably worth a shot...

Title: Re: Excel output appears as Single file mht or mhtl while doing a save as?????
Post by: actcognosuser on 11 Mar 2010 10:50:00 AM
What setting do I change to associate htm?
Title: Re: Excel output appears as Single file mht or mhtl while doing a save as?????
Post by: Nuffsaid on 12 Mar 2010 03:37:28 PM
In Windows Explorer go to Tools -> Folder Options -> File Types (tab) look for MHT and change the "Opens With" option from Internet Explorer to Excel.
