I have several jobstreams that I test periodically or when I am designing them. Im sure this is common practice. Obviously, it doesn't work perfectly the first time around. In that case, how do you shut off the job thats currently running. If I just close the command window, it seems like it stops but I have a feeling that it is continuing in the background.
I am suspicious of this because when I try to modify the target tables in SQL Server, it gives me a Timeout error.
I would greatly appreciate your help. Thanks.
Closing the command window should stop the job. I usually do this and it worked everytime. In your case the database may be taking longer to rollback all the transactions that were part of the current jobstream. It might help to check what is locking the table.
The other approach you may use is through DM Designer. Select the jobstream that you wish to stop and select Audit from Action (Alt + A + A). Stop the jobstream by clicking the 'Stop Execution' button. Hope this helps.