need best solution please
we have around 100 catalog (impromptu catalog)
now we are planning to convert them into cognos 8
I am wondering, what could be the best solution fro this project
would be great if I get some tips/solution in details
thanks in advance
;) ;) ;) ;)???
Rebuild and do not expect to convert !!
You are asking quite a lot, aren't you :-\
it happens sometime.....
yah, i am thinking strat from scratch......but jus t like to make sure .....
Your topic seems a bit too generic to put it mildly ;D
Offering a best solution is asking a lot. It would help if you went into more detail , thus giving the community a better chance to come up with bright ideas. Descriptive titles would not hurt either ;)
There is a tool called "impcat2xml" which gives xml for impromptu catalog.Then use this xml in FM.