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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: jd on 08 Dec 2009 09:00:07 AM

Title: drill through from powerplay studio cube to report studio
Post by: jd on 08 Dec 2009 09:00:07 AM
I am having trouble with creating drill through from power play studio cube to report studio.

I created report studio report and created drill through using drill through defination(dynamic drill through which is report studio report does not have any filters in the report).

when I open the cube in power play studio and clicking on the drill through, I can select the report studio report but drill through report i sshowing onely the column header, it is not showing any data. I have tested the report in report studio report shows the data.
I am not sure why it is happening for drill through..

any idea?