we have about 25+ already built poer play CUBE from 7series
now we are using cognos 8 and going to publish report using the same CUBE
please somebody tell me how do I proceed.....
how can I use those CUBE to publish a report on cog-8 version???
thank you in advance
Hello Pooja,
If I am understanding your question correctly, you are asking for information about how to use Powerplay cubes in Cognos 8 BI as a source to create reports.
Please use the Metadata wizard and import the cubes as a source in Cognos Framework Manager. Please note that since you are going to pull in Cubes, you will not be able to see any columns or dimensions. Once you have published the package, you should be able to see the dimensions and their members in report studio.
please,... need more in details
thank you
Hello Pooja,
The PowerCube is created as just simple data source of type PowerCube in Cognos 8, and this data source connection is all what's needed to publish the Package from Framework Manager.
* Create a simple data source in Cognos Connection.
* In Framework Manager, use the 'Run Metadata Wizard' option and select the data source you defined for your cube. This will guide you through the process of publishing a package for your cube. Once this has been done, you can use Query Studio, Analysis Studio or Report Studio with this package.
Thanks, Sagar
Please refer to this : http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27015570&aid=1