Hello, we're experiencing something and are scratching our heads.
I've built a report in report studio, going against a cube. The cube is setup to drill down starting at Level 8 and goes all the way down to Level 1.
To organize the data, we break the Level 8's into Level 4s and then use the Descendant function to display all the Level 2's under a specific Level 4. We don't want to display the Level 3s or Level 1s.
Our cubes run on a daily basis. If we don't make any changes to the structure, the report works fine. But if we add or delete a Level 1, the entire report breaks and gives us this error message.
OP-ERR-0181 At least one invalid member reference was encountered in the query
DPR-ERR-2082 An error has occurred. Please contact your administrator.
For our reports that only go down to Level 4, those reports do not break. Only those reports that use Level 2 and the Descendant function break.
I finally found this explanation on the IBM website.
http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21341639 (http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21341639)
There was a problem in framework manager. But the fix did not fix the report. The report is broken. What is annoying is that the report cannot be repaired. The entire report must be rebuilt from scratch each time.
Since we're a large organization, we do add and modify Level 1 data several times a month. It was our hope that using the Descendant function would force the report to dynamically generate each time that way new Level 1s would be added to the corresponding Level 2 without the report breaking.
Any ideas?
Is your cube a powerplay cube? If yes, does it have category code associations for all levels of the dimension?
If you don't associate a suitable data source column as category code, transformer will generate category codes and they can and will change from time to time (unless you have static data).