XX XY XZ Total /Avg
A M1 10 10 10 30
M2 4 10 1 5
M3 3 3 15 7
where M1 M2 M3 are measures.
M1 should give Total
M2 and M3 should give average
how it is possible incognos??? conditional formatting?
with 8.4 it is done like this:
Thanks for the reply. But this is not what I am looking for.
This gives the formatting method used within the measures but I need the measures to remain the same ,need these formatting in the last column ie., the aggregate calculation for these measures I need to use these formatting.
1 st measure - total calculation - total(mesure 1)
2 nd measure to 4th measure - average calculation (average(measure 2) )
how to achieve it on a single column ???
I am really breakin my head on this ... :(
This is my hypothsis.Give it a try.
Make a query of M1 with total calculation.Make a dummy column with M1 to distinguish these rows.
Make a query of M1 and M2 with average calculation.Make a dummy column with M2M3 to distinguish these rows.
Union between these 2 queries.
In the union query make dataitems referring to M1 & M2M3 to call the total and avg calcs respectively.
Now, drag the measures and dimensions along with newly made dataitems into crosstab accordingly.
Let me know how this goes.
Good Luck