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Planning & Consolidation => COGNOS Planning => Topic started by: andyhofer on 03 Dec 2009 08:48:17 AM

Title: Formatted D-List to Formatted D-List
Post by: andyhofer on 03 Dec 2009 08:48:17 AM
I been trying to link (System Link) two applications together

The source application has a D-List that contains a formatted D-List, and example could be -

This formatted D-List is called "3 List - Products"

In the target application the formatted D-List is exactly the same but called "3 List - Goods", and the items are the same.

So in short it all looks like this -
3 List - Products

3 List - Goods

After trying for ages to get a system link to transfer data between the two formatted D-Lists and getting nowhere, I changed it so that the d-lists in the seperate applications used the SAME formatted D-List ie "3 List - Products", and it now works fine.

My question is, even though the contents of the two seperate formatted D-Lists are exactly the same, although the Name is different, is it not possible to system link them together. I would have thought it would have been, but I appear to be wrong.

I know it makes no sense having two D-Lists exactly the same, you may as well just use the one, but it was an issue I came across in a model built by others and I'm just curious.

Thanks again, all...
Title: Re: Formatted D-List to Formatted D-List
Post by: jj on 03 Dec 2009 10:39:59 AM
Hi Andy,

Are the Item IDs the same across both D-Lists?
Title: Re: Formatted D-List to Formatted D-List
Post by: andyhofer on 04 Dec 2009 03:05:18 AM
NO, the item IDs are not the same, but does this cause a problem.

I'm sure we all have links that connect items together where both the descriptions are different and the IDs are different ie.

2009 Current Year Revenue (ID 436)
linked to
2010 Prior Year Revenue (ID 451)

Thsi doesn't cause a problem when D-Linking D-List dimensions, but perhaps it does when they are formatted D-List within a D-List

Any guidance is greatly appreciated
Title: Re: Formatted D-List to Formatted D-List
Post by: JaromirSeps on 04 Dec 2009 04:20:36 AM

in case of d-list formatted items the ids are always used instead of names.

-- from the documentation for analyst:
Although the D-Cube displays an item name from the format D-List in a D-List formatted cell, it
actually stores a value. The underlying number in a D-List formatted cell is the item identification
number (IID) of the item from the format D-List. Each D-List item is assigned an IID when it is
first inputted and no amount of reordering or deleting items can change it (short of substituting
with a new D-List). New items are given new IID numbers - not reassigned old unused numbers.
