Hi all
I am trying to load a cube into contributor web using multi E-List view but it fails to load with the error message :
'COM object method returns error code: 0x80004005; E_FAIL (Unspecified error)'
WHILE [CCLMsg: system text='ServiceBrokerHost.nodeOpen() - open model '] [invokeStandardVirtualMethod(SourceFile681) <- open(INodeModelImpl.java51)]
Now my gut feel tells me that this is a memory issue.
If it is memory related is it the memory on the client machine that is causing the error or is it somewhere else.
If you open the individual E-List items they work fine, it just fails on multi-Elist.
Thanks all
Try breaking down the children elist items into a few sub-sets (no more than 10-15 per node) and see if that works. I had a similar issue and found that after about 15-20 elist items it hits memory issues.
It works fine with fewer E-list nodes, but I need a view that can handle 50 E-list items.
I went to Cognos HO the other day and other users were saying that they had cubes that took 6 minutes to open but they worked fine. When I open my multi E-list it fails after around 2 minutes, this is one reason I think it may be client machine memory, but I could be wrong.
My client machine has 2Gb, what have other got on this forum?
How many cells are there totally in the 50 e.list items view? I.e how many cells per e.list slice times 50? With that many e.list items the number of cells can be huge if you have a fairly large model. Have your tried to open the model with 50 elist items on the server or another client machine with more RAM to see if it helps?
Each E-List slice contains around 1.75m cells, so that by 50 would be 87.5m. I've heard of others having cell counts of 500m with no problems.
I'll try it on the server and get back with the findings, good idea, thanks craig.
87.5 million cells is a massive amount to open. You need to be very careful when looking at the size of multi-elist views. The calculation is not simply, node1 sze + node2 + node 3....
the calc is (aggregate access size) * eList.
So if you have a 2 elist view that see 10 different product each, the total size of this slice would be 20 for each of the two elist items. so if there were 2 other dims with 5 items that both eList items had access to the size of the multinode would be:
(5 * 5 * 20) * 2 = 1000
and not
(5 * 5 *10) + (5 * 5 * 10) = 500
Also the data set gets accordingly larger and since it requires contiguous memory the chances of being able to allocate that reduce.
Hope that helps