I want to design a report having a text prompt and having a list report.Now whatever number i will give in the prompt that the same number of rows should come after running the report.
Please help me to get this logic in detail.
1. Just take whatever queryitems u want in the report. Productline, producttype and Revenue.
2. Go to Query Explorer bar --- click on Quries.
3. Take a Dataitem and write a condition as
rank (total ([Sales (query)].[Sales].[Revenue] for[Sales (query)].[Product].[Product type]))
4. Change the name of that dataitem as Rank and the drag and drop in Detail Filters and write expression as
5. Take a prompt page and drag and drop a prompt in prompt page and select the existing parameter radio button and select what the parameter u r getting there.
Then run the report.
I think this answer will helps to you.
what if two different product types have the same total value? Then the rank data item looks like this
rank | revenue
22 | 1200
23 | 1100
23 | 1100
25 | 900
Maybe for this case it is better to create a data item with a constant of 1. Then you set an running-total function on this.
this is an option as well.
kind regards