I am trying to create a report that groups based off of a prompt. I have set 6 static choices for the prompt and based on which choice the user chooses is what I want to group the report on, but I am not having any luck - any help would be appreciated!!
The way I'm visualizing your request is:
The user is prompted to select 6 different fields, Years, Product Type, Region, etc.
The report is a list with 2 columns.
Column A is the field the user selects, while Column B is the measure.
This is easy to do. Make a query item called "SelectedField". The expression should be
The use values of the prompts should be the full field pointer.
Use | Display | [Data].[Time].[Year] | Year | [Data].[Products].[ProductType] | Product Type |
The same will also work for a dimensional source.
Use | Display | [Cube].[TimeDim].[Year] | Year | lastchild([Cube].[TimeDim].[Year].[All]) | This Year | filter([Cube].[Products].[ProductType],[Cube].[Measures].[Sales]<100) | Products with less than 100 sales |