Can we create 2 conditions in report expression of a single
data item..Eg: I added 2 new dataitems each one should
show revenue for Q1 and Q2..Pls advice
Can you be more specific? A dataitem is part of the designed query. A report expression is a pure Cognos affair added by the webserver.
Creating buckets of quarterly data is best attained by using CASE expressions.
I am creating a report as revenue for Q1,Q2,Q3 and Q4. I have added a value prompt wherein the user would select which Quarter data he wants to view.Other colums may be Prodline,prodtype etc etc... Now Question is Apart from the 4 options in the value prompt there is one more option as 'ALL' where in it would show data for all Quarters...Its multiselect as well so user can select 2quarters and others should be rendered....based on any combination of selection the user does he would get the report show revenue for desired Quarters.....