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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => BI Modeling (Transformer) => Topic started by: RudiHendrix on 27 Nov 2009 04:26:02 AM

Title: Steps to create a cube from a FM package
Post by: RudiHendrix on 27 Nov 2009 04:26:02 AM

I'm new to Transformer and I would like to create a cube based on a package that I have created.

So, when opening Transformer I select the package as data source.

Then in Transformer I drag and drop a measure from the data source to the measures area.
Next I insert a new dimension from the package. I choose something that is asociated with my fact at the lowest level of the dimension.

Next I do a "Generate categories". This returns the error message:
[tr0207] Data source [Data Source Name of data source that I imported] is not related to any dimension so it cannot be processed.
I hit "Ok" and it starts generating the categories from the data source that has been created while inserting the dimension from the package. If I take a look at the diagram everything is ok.

If I do "Show Scope" and select the measure added from the imported data source the entire dimension turns green. (Green seems good to me)
Same goes if I open the property sheet of the entire dimension and go to the tab "Allocation". There I see the imported measure with allocation type "Constant".

So far so good!

Now I would like to create a cube from it...

Error message:
[tr2763] All dimensions have no measures associated with them. During PowerCube generation, no data source will be able to provide data for dimensions. Please re-design the model.

Can somebody give me a jump start or an additional push?

Further it's very hard to find some training on Transformer. Is there something out there and available?

Title: Re: Steps to create a cube from a FM package
Post by: RudiHendrix on 30 Nov 2009 08:43:31 AM
Can this possibly be because the Cognos BI server is a 64 bit installation and Transformer is a 32 bit installation?
Title: Re: Steps to create a cube from a FM package
Post by: RudiHendrix on 02 Dec 2009 01:51:21 AM
At least I found out what went wrong. In my first attempts I added a datasource from a package and created the measures from there. Next I inserted a dimension from the same package.
However, I SHOULD create a new dimension manually and drag and drop the levels from my (already) inserted data source.

Now it is working, but there is still a lot to learn!
Title: Re: Steps to create a cube from a FM package
Post by: cham on 04 Jan 2010 02:14:32 PM

Can you please tell me in details what did you do to overcome this problem? I am having similar problem. Please let me know.
Title: Re: Steps to create a cube from a FM package
Post by: judicael on 05 Jan 2010 05:51:08 AM


You have to add the dimension key into the measures dimension.

Click on the key figures or Measures datasource and add key of dimension.

For example :
You have 4 dimensions : Products, Customers, Country, Material, Animation.
and one measures : Netsales, Quantity.

In the measures datasource, you have to get.

Measures :

Product (key)
Customers (key)
Country (key)
Matrial (key)
Animation (key)

If you show scope all of the dimension in the dimension map will be yellow/orange.

Title: Re: Steps to create a cube from a FM package
Post by: RudiHendrix on 06 Jan 2010 05:05:36 AM
Sorry, I didn't check this issue for a while and the notification functionality is down... Therefore I didn't see a response.

At present I don't have a separate Measures data source. There is just one datasource containing everything.

How I solved it now is as follows:
I added a data source and imported the package that way.
Next I took all measures and dragged them to the "Measures" pane.
After that I manually created a new dimension (let's say "Product"). Next I dragged all levels from the "Product" dimension in the package (as I see them in the data source) to the area below the newly created dimension. Then they are automatically created and the scope is correct.
Title: Re: Steps to create a cube from a FM package
Post by: jiunshen on 31 Mar 2010 09:19:17 AM
Quote from: judicael on 05 Jan 2010 05:51:08 AM
You have to add the dimension key into the measures dimension.

Click on the key figures or Measures datasource and add key of dimension.

Hi judicael,

I have a similar issue, but where is the key figures you mentioned above? Is that in somewhere of Framework Manager or Transformer?
