I'm new to Transformer and I would like to create a cube based on a package that I have created.
So, when opening Transformer I select the package as data source.
Then in Transformer I drag and drop a measure from the data source to the measures area.
Next I insert a new dimension from the package. I choose something that is asociated with my fact at the lowest level of the dimension.
Next I do a "Generate categories". This returns the error message:
[tr0207] Data source [Data Source Name of data source that I imported] is not related to any dimension so it cannot be processed.
I hit "Ok" and it starts generating the categories from the data source that has been created while inserting the dimension from the package. If I take a look at the diagram everything is ok.
If I do "Show Scope" and select the measure added from the imported data source the entire dimension turns green. (Green seems good to me)
Same goes if I open the property sheet of the entire dimension and go to the tab "Allocation". There I see the imported measure with allocation type "Constant".
So far so good!
Now I would like to create a cube from it...
Error message:
[tr2763] All dimensions have no measures associated with them. During PowerCube generation, no data source will be able to provide data for dimensions. Please re-design the model.
Can somebody give me a jump start or an additional push?
Further it's very hard to find some training on Transformer. Is there something out there and available?
Can this possibly be because the Cognos BI server is a 64 bit installation and Transformer is a 32 bit installation?
At least I found out what went wrong. In my first attempts I added a datasource from a package and created the measures from there. Next I inserted a dimension from the same package.
However, I SHOULD create a new dimension manually and drag and drop the levels from my (already) inserted data source.
Now it is working, but there is still a lot to learn!
Can you please tell me in details what did you do to overcome this problem? I am having similar problem. Please let me know.
You have to add the dimension key into the measures dimension.
Click on the key figures or Measures datasource and add key of dimension.
For example :
You have 4 dimensions : Products, Customers, Country, Material, Animation.
and one measures : Netsales, Quantity.
In the measures datasource, you have to get.
Measures :
Product (key)
Customers (key)
Country (key)
Matrial (key)
Animation (key)
If you show scope all of the dimension in the dimension map will be yellow/orange.
Sorry, I didn't check this issue for a while and the notification functionality is down... Therefore I didn't see a response.
At present I don't have a separate Measures data source. There is just one datasource containing everything.
How I solved it now is as follows:
I added a data source and imported the package that way.
Next I took all measures and dragged them to the "Measures" pane.
After that I manually created a new dimension (let's say "Product"). Next I dragged all levels from the "Product" dimension in the package (as I see them in the data source) to the area below the newly created dimension. Then they are automatically created and the scope is correct.
Quote from: judicael on 05 Jan 2010 05:51:08 AM
You have to add the dimension key into the measures dimension.
Click on the key figures or Measures datasource and add key of dimension.
Hi judicael,
I have a similar issue, but where is the key figures you mentioned above? Is that in somewhere of Framework Manager or Transformer?