Hi, has anyone an experience with installing Contributor client on Win7?
Would it work? Cannot find anything on KB.
As per the below link, 8.4 It work in Microsoft Windows Vista SP1 (Web And Admin Clients only). I am assuming if it works on Vista then should work on Win 7 as the underlying Windows core is the same as well it is Windows platform and Cognos works predominately on Windows
Anyone tested it?
We did
It works fine
I have to add that only Contributor rich-interface works in Windows 7
Classic Interface failes to install. System suggests to download ActiveX every time you apply to Contributor point.
Win7 security somewhere blocks installation.
I failed to install Contributor 8.4 add-in for Excel2007 in Win7
Every time I apply to EP package the window "Download ActiveX Controls" runs. The same trouble I get when run EP classic web-interface 8.4 in Win7.
Did anyone meet this issue ?
Para instalar en excel 2007, agrega desde las opciones de office 2007 la opcion visual basic aplication de office shared features e instala los add ins. Yo ya lo teste
We are getting ready to start piloting Windows 7 for our users. It looks like the java rich client Contributor component installs on Windows 7 just fine, per previous comments on this thread.
However, it looks like there might be an issue with installing the Excel Add-In. Is that the case?
Anyone tested the thick-client software on Win 7?
Any ideas if we will need to change our install packages that we deploy to users so we can avoid the manual installs, for thick-client and for Contributor web?
Does anyone have any documentation regarding installing Cognos 8.4.1 Planning thick-client or Contributor rich-client on Windows 7 (Win7) machines? I'm not trying to install a stand-alone environment for Cognos Planning - just the end user products to connect to our Cognos 8.4.1 environment.
Hey Jeff,
The CAC and Client installs shouldn't trip you up, they're straight forward just like previous versions of EP as well as based on XP installs. The only challenge might be the Analyst install on a Win7 system, specifically if an administrative account does the install (which is likely if you're loading users via package). Have a look at this TN and you'll see what I'm talking about.
The second link above is a defect pertaining to analyst on 2008 servers, but I've seen this same issue occur on Win7 64 bit machines (and possibly 32 bit as well).
8.4.1 Install link for Administrative pieces:
Surprisingly, I'm still working with our desktop group and the outsourced provider to create the thick-client and web-client installs for Win7 - since April!
Anyway, one issue that appears to be Cognos-related and not the outsourced vendor is an issue of getting a TCPIP is not installed on this machine, only after logging in to Analyst via the Excel Add-In. I can get into Analyst and Manager with no problems. I can use the CAC with no problems.
We've tested this on both a virtual machine and a physical machine, both loaded with Windows 7 OS.
Any thoughts? FYI...we're running Planning 8.4.1 FP2 and BI 8.4.1 FP3.
Hey Jeff,
I'm a little confused by your statement regarding TCP/IP .. could you run that sentence by me again?
When trying to log in to Analyst via the Excel Add-In, I receive the following error message:
"TCPIP is not installed on this machine, please install it before trying to connect to the Analyst Server"
I'm able to remote into this test machine, and I can do the Contributor Add-In for Excel just fine.
Hey Jeff,
Thanks. Did you see http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21392356 ?
Also - if it isnt the above try switching off the windows firewall and then try again. If that works a port needs opening on localhost.
Thank you, both.
I don't think it's Common Logon issue as I am testing with new builds that have never had Cognos on them.
I also don't believe it's a port issue, but I could be wrong. Here's why I say that, and why I believe it might not be a Cognos-related issue at all. I just installed on the machine using the Cognos software media and not the software package that the 3rd party is creating for us. There are no issues at all with the Analyst Add-In for Excel - no TCP/IP error to speak of. It must have something to do with the way they are packing the installs. I only did this test on IE8, though, although I've been testing their package against IE8 and IE9, with the same error message each time.
One thing that is different is that I elevated my rights on the machine to perform the manual install and then removed local admin rights to test. With the software packages, I installed using an admin account and then used my login to test...I suppose that could be the issue, although part of the process requires that I log off after the install and then logging on triggers a copy of some sort to copy the various files to my user profile...???
Ah - the rights at install time is a good clue. The Add-in runs in the path of Excel and needs some dlls to be on the system path. If I remember rightly there are a couple of dlls that should end up in system32. Im guessing this isnt allowed on win7 if you dont install with admin rights.