I have a problem setting up access to cognos Planning through CITRIX.
Basically we have one working Cognos Environment that is accessible directly but we want to use CITRIX to access all parts of the Controller/BI/Planning environment since we have users spread out in different areas of the world.
We are able to run Contributor Classical Client through CITRIX but not the new web client, we are using 8.4.
When we test through CITRIX with a user that is local administrator on the CITRIX server everything works fine, but we cannot add all users as local administrators on that server.
Any ideas of what to change/grant to make it work?
Is there some file that can be pre-populated in the profiles, like with Controller?
Could it have something to do with the startup.cogrcp file? When installing the rich client, the installation wizard places a file called startup.cogrcp in the startup folder which is essential for the rich client to work. Maybe you must make sure that this applies for all users?
I sholud probably have mentioned that we installed the .msi packages at the CITRIX server and that a user that is locla administrator do not need to install the client. Is your response to be applied AFTER installing the clients?
This was just a guess, I am not familiar at all with how Citrix works, but since you mentioned that the classic client works, I thought it was worth mentioning this startup.cogrcp file that should be in the startup folder. this is a difference compared to the classic client so it might be the cause of the problem.
what happens when a user without local admin tries to open a node from Citrix? Is it like a file is downloaded and IE asks which program they want to open it with?
I receive an error message about Restrictions
"This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator"
My guess is that there is a lack of permissions to:
* Create some temp files
* Run java programs in Internet Explorer through CITRIX.
* Read from a file or folder that are supposed to be in a certain location
I am not sure how to proceed with this...
This issue is now solved, The Citrix guy and the Policy guy finally came to the conclusion that this was due to a restriction in a global policy, not related to Cognos :)
Policy blocking users to run msi or what?
I am not into all details but there was some restrictions about executables and they allowed something specific for this server to make it work.
If it's DEP (Data Execution Prevention), could you please list the names of the exe's that have been allowed?
It was not related to DEP, they have a global policy restricting all executables from running on servers. Then they tell the policy to allow certain executables.
The executable that they added to that list was the cognosRCP.exe.
Update much appreciated :)
Now I have learned that there are 2 files to allow in our Global Policy....
2 exe files are launch with rich client :cognosrcp.exe & contributor.exe.
You can verify this with citrix in using " process explorer" under iexplore.exe process , you see
cognosrcp.exe "C:\Program Files\cognos\c84\crcp\CognosRCP\rcp\cognosrcp.exe" then contributor.exe
"C:\Program Files\cognos\c84\crcp\CognosRCP\rcp\applications\contributor_8.4\bins\bin_8.4.2809.0\contributor.exe"