Hi Frns
I need a good example to know abt drill up n drill down.I was trying to get it but invain so frns let me know if any one can help me out
Thanx n Rgrds
Many examples come with installing the Great Outdoors sample packages.
Quote from: angela on 19 Nov 2009 01:43:37 PM
Many examples come with installing the Great Outdoors sample packages.
But if u know any pls let me know
Drill up and down generally refers to moving up and down a hierarchy.
consider a time dimension having levels as year->month->day.
Now if we use this dimn. in our report.
Initially all year will be dispalyed say for ex - 2006,2007 and 2008.
Now if u click 2006 then all the months of that particular year will be displayed and then if click any month , all the days within that month will be displayed.
In this way we moved down in a hierarchy of a time dimension.
And I m not sure whetheer drill up works in report studio.
But in cubes both drill up and down works ..
I know how it works but inorder to know the navigational part i need an example