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Planning & Consolidation => TM1 => Topic started by: slicer on 13 Nov 2009 03:11:01 AM

Title: TM1 with C8-Single Signon
Post by: slicer on 13 Nov 2009 03:11:01 AM
Hi there,

I´m setting up a TM1 server with C8 single Singon on the same server. C8 ist secured by a SunOne LDAP (generic).
While C8 Single Signon works ok from a user machine, logging on locally on the server forces a windows domain logon. Logging onto TM1 on the server will force the domain logon as well, but I get an TM1 Error (locally AND remote), saying it cannot find the "System Server CAM Security". As TM1 is connected to C8 by the two URLs in the tm1s.cfg file, the domain logon might be the reason for this behaviour.

Any ideas how to get rid of the domain logon?
