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Planning & Consolidation => COGNOS Planning => Topic started by: Matya on 12 Nov 2009 05:30:55 AM

Title: Default Holded cell at Contributor
Post by: Matya on 12 Nov 2009 05:30:55 AM
HI All!

Can I set "Hold" for a d-list item at CAC?
Because I want to take those cells default "Hold" at Contributor.

Any idea or workaround?

Title: Re: Default Holded cell at Contributor
Post by: gudmen on 12 Nov 2009 07:22:06 AM
I guess you don't want to use an Access Table with access level Read(?)
Otherwise you can create an internal D-Link with an Allocation Table targeting those cells. Still, you need an administrator modyfing the Allocation Table if you want to release those cells.
In case you use an AT, you can provide the user with a tab (cube) in which he set the specifics for the AT. Than he can run a job that recreate the txt file and import it as AT, but of course it is a process and it takes quite long
Title: Re: Default Holded cell at Contributor
Post by: Matya on 12 Nov 2009 09:38:25 AM
I want to save a d-list item (many cells) from BreakBack function.
So if I use an internal d-link, it is not solve my problem.

Thx for the answer
Title: Re: Default Holded cell at Contributor
Post by: craig_karr on 13 Nov 2009 04:29:14 AM
You could disable breakback for the cubes using that dimension (that's on cube level though so perhaps it dosen't suit your needs if you need breakback on other dimensions. another option is to make a saved selection on the calculated items on that dimension and then make those cells read only with an access table