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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => COGNOS 8 Administration => Topic started by: smtest on 11 Nov 2009 02:31:40 PM

Title: Changing operating system from windows to AIX
Post by: smtest on 11 Nov 2009 02:31:40 PM
we are trying to upgrade from 8.1 mr2 to 8.4 from windows to AIX box. I was told the following:
1. we cant use AD and have to use ldap.
2. We cant use sql server native client.

Is this true?
Title: Re: Changing operating system from windows to AIX
Post by: smiley on 11 Nov 2009 02:53:53 PM
That is correct.
The AD connector is a windows api, where as the ldap conenctor is not.
The sql server native client driver has to be installed on the server, hence you losse that also.
If you have single signon, it becomes much more complex to get that back also (asuming apache).
Raw bibus crunching may also have wintel win over unix, due to processor architecture.

Is the switch business reason, or IT preference?
Title: Re: Changing operating system from windows to AIX
Post by: smtest on 11 Nov 2009 04:07:12 PM
So sql server native client, i cant install on AIX box?
It is an IT perference, since memory leak is an issue in windows

Title: Re: Changing operating system from windows to AIX
Post by: smiley on 11 Nov 2009 04:24:42 PM
sql server native client is x86 code, which will not install on aix.
So just recylcing the server on sunday morning is not an option huh, just straight to aix.
Go luck with this trip.
Please pick the time to test all you loose on aix, and do not go big bang on this.