I'm just wondering if anybody has come across this issue
Every single schedule that anybody has set up is going twice i.e. not just one individual
It's worked perfectly for the last 2 years then something happened (?) about 2 weeks ago
Now, every report is mailed twice - it only logs one instance though
Does anybody have any ideas what could have happened here?
We have a similar issue in our environment, though in our case it is concerning only one report and one recipient.
We have many reports scheduled to be emailed (most of them via jobs), and many of them go to a whole bunch of email recipients.
In this particular case, the distribution list consists of more than 10 recipients and just one of them complained to get this report twice lately, meaning that for quite a while he got it once as desired. He showed me the 2 emails of one day, they look exactly the same and were both issued exactly at the time the job history says they were emailed. But the history says the exact amount of recipients, and I also checked the distribution list, but everything looks right, and nothing was changed to the system since quite some time, so I could not find the reason for that so far.
Any hint would be greatly appreciated.