How much memory can Cognos 8 can swallow up with a few running processes?
A few users with a couple of Studios opened each can make the processe(s) chew up to 1GB RAM! Then all operations on the box are sluggish.
RAM also doesn't seem to be "released" until the Studio's are closed (not just inactive), and the user is logged out of Cognos Connection!
Monitoring indicates that processes (2-3) start with ~200-400Mb RAM initially allocated, which gradually increase in size up to 700-800Mb/proc.
My installation takes up to 250MB to start. But it never really grows larger than 700 when users are connected.
This is still a deleping server, so max users are 3 atm.
There's a new build available that solves that memory issue with Cognos8 (especially if you're using Cubes as datasources), ask Cognos Support to get the build.
Thanks KMach and MrO for your replies & advice
Will get the new build from Cognos Support and evaluate
Have a great Xmas!!
Hi guys,
What build are you using to solve the memory issue?
Ive just installed Cognos 8 on my laptop and found that (via Task manager) my Page File Usage has gone up to 750MB and CPU is around 55%.
... and this increases to 0.99 GB when running report in say Query Studio and everything slows to a crawl.
Ive also noticed that java.exe under processes tab has whopping 241, 200 K memory usuage.
The build/version I installed was ...
c8bisrvr_win32_8.1.60.27_ml.tar.gz ( 528026259 )
sleepyÃ, ;D
The Cognos 8 BI Server Updater Hotsite fixes the performance issue; you can get this through the Cognos support website or by contacting your support rep.
(PS Yeah the bloated java.exe brings back memories of yester-version :)
Thanks Mike ...
Could you please tell me what page the Cognos 8 BI Server Updater Hotsite is on as I was unable to locate it at Cognos support website.
sleepy :)
Sorry Sleepy - I may have spoken too soon; upon further inspection it doesn't appear that the update is available through the Support website yet.
Looking back through my e-mails I found a reply from Support (after I'd logged a case with them) in which they provided me with a 7-day-active link to the executable.
The URL had support.cognos.com in it so I assumed it would be publicly available through the Support website - let that be a lesson to all on assumptions :)
Best call Support directly and ask them for the update - the version number is in the post below for reference.