Can someone help me with a cube build batch script issue. This is my first attempt at creating a batch script to schedule a cube build in Cognos 8.4. The command string is;
start /d "D:\Program Files\cognos\c8\bin" /w cogtr.exe -c -n2 -nologo -s -m"D:\Cognos 8\Models\Dev Models\EdayDist.mdl"
When the script is executed, the following error message is logged;
Tue 10 Nov 2009 12:05:27 PM 0 00000E13 (TR3001) The Cognos gateway is unable to connect to the Cognos BI server. The server may be unavailable or the gateway may not be correctly configured. Try again or contact your administrator.
Any suggestions?
Have you set up the Cube SignOn for the model?
In the SignOn properties, you should be able to establish the connection to your namespace.
From 8.3 onwards you have to navigate to the folder of cogtr.exe and then issue the command from there. Even before that you have to issue the command for logging on to PCConnect utility.
Use cd\<8.4 location>
cogtr.exe -n2 <Transformer Model name>