I have column chart with year column on x axis.. we are comparing yearover year values... we have 5 series of column for comparison on chart.. we can display series values on outside bottom of x axix.
for ex: 2009 for Series( Shoes) value is 3.4. 3.4 is displayed outside bottom of bars on column chart.. but client requested me to ddisplay label as (Shoes) instead of Value.. i tried back n forth changing lables, member caption, hiding values, but label cant' dispaly, some how i cant attach image, of chart..
any one can help me
gimme a clear idea while u posting things ...... according to my level of understanding on ur problem
1. u want to make a nested 'category' with a 'series' value,.....right? , if that so, nested will work,simply drag the series data item into 'category' of ur chart