Hello Guys,
I have a question that I need you to help me on it. I have installed Cognos 8.4 on a new server. After that and using the Cognos Configuration, I managed to build the BI Server WAR file and used this WAR file to deploy Cognos on the Websphere Application Server and Cognos is up and running and everything is working fine.
Now for Cognos 8.4 there are 2 fix packs. I want to install both of them in our Cognos environment. My Question is, after installing the 2 fix packs, do I need to build the WAR file again and re-deploy the WAR on the WAS or is it like any Configuration changes ?
Thanks ..
Any idea ?
I cannot comment on the WAR file as I do not know about Cognos on Webshpere. What i did learn though is that the BI Fix packs are comprehensive meaning you have to install on the FP2 since it has all the updates in FP1.
Annoyingly the Go Dashboard Fix Packs are not comprehensive and so both of them have to be installed
Thanks redmist for this information. So all I need to install after installing the BI server is FP2 - sure if I am not using Dashboard -
Now I still need to know am I going to build the WAR file again after deploying the FP ? Any ideas ?
Thanks all .
One caution, test the FP2 in a test box.
I installed FP2 in our development machine and it broke a lot of reports and FM models.
I then compared same reports and found that they run fine in 8.4 without FP2.
I have since removed the FP2 from our dev box.
Yes, redeploy WAR if it is not a big change management hurdle in your environment -- always a good idea. I agree with previous post to be cautious -- FP2 broke date drill downs from OLAP to relational in our environment. We understand 8.4 Release 1 to be coming soon.
I agree with the two previous posts. We was about to install FP2 in production, but tested it first in our test environment. Some reports failed to run due to issues in crosstabs. I think you need to use members in crosstabs instead of data items, at least that what out cognos consultant said to us.
In 8.4 FP1, the reports only generated a warning message during validation in Report Studio. But after FP2 was installed, they genereated an error and couldn't be executed.
Just for your information, evaluate FP2 before putting it into production...