I have two crosstab reports say report_1 and report_2.
Both the reports are using the date prompt for selecting the date range.
But report_1 will display data if the user selects date only after 1st Feb i.e. the data is made availbale only after the end of 1st month of any year.
So, my requirements is that if the user selects any date in the month of January, it should pop-up the message in the prompt page itself saying- "Select the report report_2 for seeing the data available in the report_1.
Note:(1). report_1 and report_2 are build on the same report page and there is a static variable to choose the particular report. Both of these report cannot build together.
Also, report_1 and report_2 are completely different in terms of data item and as the date selected is of january, so it is necessary for the business to select another report.
Solution: I think java script can do this job. but ihave no idea how to implement it.
Please someone help!!!!!!!
Please someone help!!!!!!!
not clear for me, but if you want to see different report depending of prompt selection you can use some variable to display rep1 or rep2 (page 1,2) you can also with variable conditions to show or hide other prompts depending of any prompt, so you can use standard things in Report without any javascript.