I have issue in that I just discovered that I am "losing" an attribute within a level on a dimension structure. The image below shows the situation.
I recently added in this relative time hierarchy that uses a database maintain relative time dimension. I have long and short descriptions for each component. For the offset description, for some reason the long description is inexplicably missing in Report Studio.
I have check the Is Hidden setting and they are false in all components - source table, logical view, business view. The final package configuration is just a shortcut to the business view. I am at a loss as to why this is. Perhap I have found a bug? We are using Cognos 8.4.
And there is no error log when publishing the package?
There was no error log when publishing.
We submitted this up to Cognos support and it turns out it is a bug in the application.
Just a thought. Could it have anything to do with the length of the attribute name? If C8 is just looking at the first <n> characters of the attribute name in the package, you may find your missing attribute name is being treated as identical to another attribute and so is being omitted. If you create another version of the regular dimension and either make the names shorter or make sure they are unique by prefixing them with different numbers, does this fix the problem?
This is all pure conjecture on my part, and may be a complete red herring, but it's probably worth looking into if there's a chance it can give you a workaround.
Its a thought, but we have plenty of other element names that are as long or longer than this with only the end description different. So I doubt this is it.