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Planning & Consolidation => COGNOS Planning => Topic started by: SimoCogn on 02 Nov 2009 11:54:41 AM

Title: Table-only layout publish error
Post by: SimoCogn on 02 Nov 2009 11:54:41 AM
Hi all,
i'm tryng to publish data in table-only layout mode:

- i select a cube and a dimension
- i select an e-list item to publish
- i create and configure a new contributor publish datastore
- i add the job for relative application in the list of the monitored applications

Then, when i click on publish button , the reporting_publish job starts and ends successfully.
But if i try to start the publish job the second time, it ends with this error:

Process ID / Thread ID: xxx
Source: ...
Error Number: 440
Line Number: 220
Description: Unable to get Job Item

The Job management step failed.  An attempt has been made to mark the 'REPORTING_PUBLISH' Job as CANCELLED.  Please rectify the problem and re-create a similar Job.
The call to 'JobBegin' on 'ReportingPublish_%v.Implementation' was not successful.
Unable to execute statement. 1031 ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

The SQL was:
DROP INDEX table_x.index_y

I think it is a problem due to item permission (i use an oracle db), but i dont't known where this type of permission must be configured

Thanx in advance
Title: Re: Table-only layout publish error
Post by: craig_karr on 03 Nov 2009 05:44:10 AM
Yes this is an Oracle permission problem. The user that you have configured to use with Cognos in Oracle must have sufficient privilegies in the database. Contact your database administrator and ask them to add the drop any index privilegie to the user. This must be configured in Oracle.
Title: Re: Table-only layout publish error
Post by: Devathadeepak on 02 Jun 2010 04:55:35 AM

We have 3 job servers when i select 2 job server i am able to publish but when i select one job server below is the error message.....



Process ID / Thread ID: 5644 / 7592

Source: <SupplementalInfo><Source>ReportingPublishHlpr_84.RepPubParamDoc.Hydrate</Source><StackInfo><ErrorGuid>{E6836168-46CF-4BDF-BFB1-ADD306CEB118}</ErrorGuid><StackPosition>5</StackPosition><PreviousUserDomain>DBG</PreviousUserDomain><PreviousUserName>opscep-p</PreviousUserName><PreviousComputerDomain>DBG</PreviousComputerDomain><PreviousComputerName>NYCRMASD3015</PreviousComputerName></StackInfo></SupplementalInfo>
Error Number: -2147220006
Line Number: 220
Description: Unable to get Job Item

The Job management step failed.  An attempt has been made to mark the 'REPORTING_PUBLISH' Job as CANCELLED.  Please rectify the problem and re-create a similar Job.

The call to 'JobBegin' on 'ReportingPublish_%v.Implementation' was not successful.

Invalid XML: -1072896682 Invalid at the top level of the document.

Title: Re: Table-only layout publish error
Post by: craig_karr on 02 Jun 2010 03:50:50 PM
Make sure that the Oracle user has the drop any table and drop any index right